A Vegan Alcapurria in Piñones

It had been at least 7 years probably since my last experience with an alcapurria. Out of the many fritters that are created this one is my least favorite. I guess that most of the ones I had tasted in the past where either overcooked or had the disclaimer of a heart attack written all…

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Vegan Friendly Casabe Restaurant

As we drove to the west coast and received the news, via a “For Rent” sign, that our favorite restaurant in Joyudas which caters to vegans and vegetarians was closed, we decided to stop by our favorite placita in Cabo Rojo to get some coffee and snacks for Grandma. Like many other local coffee places…

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Taste of Vegan Brazilian Cuisine

One of the biggest issues we have as a family when we leave the house is finding options to eat. Before I became vegan in October it was a lot easier for me to find vegetarian meals on the road.  Now as a vegan living in Puerto Rico it becomes a challenge to get a…

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9 Ways To Use a Coconut

Every first and third Sunday of the month the family and I visit San Juan Organic Farmer’s Market where I get to mingle and interact with other Vegans and Vegetarians here on the Island. I really enjoy chatting with Martin one of the vendors who creates a variety of natural drinks and is vegan like me.…

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Vegan & Vegetarian Food Carts in Austin #SXSW

Being that this is my second year that I will be assisting SXSW (South by Southwest)  I am preparing a bit more before arriving into all the SXSW madness. My first time as SXSW I was vegetarian so I was consuming dairy products. Most establishments offer multiple vegetarian options and even most SXSW parties have…

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