Living Beyond the Box: an Rx for Better Wellbeing

We work in cubes.  We move around in boxcars. We live in concrete lego-like blocks. Our eyes are almost constantly focused on screens, large and small. Is it any wonder that we feel spiritually and mentally cramped? Yogic beliefs teach us that prana is the life force vital to living.  Prana is manifest in the…

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Buddhist Nun Discusses Vegetarianism

  The following is an interview with Rev Jing, a Buddhist nun that calls New York home. Her temple, Guan Yin, is located in Flushing, Queens. Her monastery is in upstate New York. Service is held on Sunday, and mediation is held on Saturdays. In this interview, she explains to VegLatino contributor, Sandra Ordonez, what…

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Go Vegetarian during Lenten Season

  Many people who practice Catholicism will be faced with the question every Friday for 40 days, “What will I eat on Friday?” I know folks give up something like sweets, drinking, or some other type of food for the Lenten season. My mother usually made some type of fish, but I did not like…

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Why Latinos Need to Become Vegetarian

I don’t want to sound like a preacher with this post. However, I care too much about my community to not be direct with you. You need to become a vegetarian or vegan. Not because eating meat is unethical, but because of your health. Latinos have some of the highest rates of diabetes in the…

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